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by J. M. Barrie
What Every Woman Knows
J. M. Barrie is a Scottish playwright and novelist, author of a series of fabulous works about Peter Pan. Since 1897, Barry has turned to drama. He is famous for Quality Street, a comedy depicting England at the beginning of the 19th century. Barry’s plays, among which “What Every Woman Knows,” introduced him to the circle of outstanding playwrights of the time....
Number of pages: ~ 109 pages

by J. M. Barrie
Peter Pan
This is an incredible fairy tale that is known worldwide. Using this story were created a lot of movies, cartoons, theatrical performances. The main character is a boy Peter Pan, who doesn't want to grow up. One day he runs away from home, after which he finds fairies with whom he became to be friends, but unfortunately, he also got some enemies(the main one is Captain Hook). This is one of the best fairy tales that every child should read, having plunged into the world of fabulous adventures....
Number of pages: ~ 176 pages